

Cash Flow Analysis

Our cutting-edge, user-friendly financial planning software will help you understand the scope of your cash flow data. Once a baseline is established, we will run “What If” scenarios to help you make informed decisions and find solutions that optimize your goals.

Retirement Planning

The transition to retirement is not simply about the size of your investment portfolio. A successful transition will factor in all aspects of your financial life including your monthly income needs, healthcare costs, social security, lifestyle goals, and much more. We guide you through a proven planning process to ensure you’re ready for the exciting change ahead.

Wealth Management

At IFS we believe in building a diversified portfolio matched to your unique circumstances. You can stay up-to-date on all your portfolio details with our cutting-edge technology and user-friendly tools.

Risk Assessment

While risk is a fact of life, our goal is to help identify and mitigate your risk when needed to provide you peace of mind. We’ll assess areas of risk such as your current insurance coverage and your portfolio’s diversification. Then we’ll make recommendations to make sure your risk level is in line with your financial plan.